Treatments for specific conditions

In general, Acupuncture can:


  • Relieve pain anywhere in the body
  • Increase energy levels
  • Improve quality of sleep
  • Increase ability to relax
  • Increase ability to focus and concentrate
  • Increase memory
  • Boost immune system
  • Enhance physical performance
  • Enhance the creative process
See a comprehensive list of conditions addressed by
acupuncture treatment

How Does Acupuncture Help
Break the Cigarette Habit?

Stop SmokingAcupuncture is successful with smoking cessation and has turned a growing number of cigarette smokers into permanent ex-smokers. Treatments take all of your symptoms into account and aim at balancing the energy within the body to optimise health.

The acupuncture treatments focus on jitters, cravings, irritability and restlessness; all symptoms that people commonly complain about when they quit. It also aids in relaxation and detoxification.

Acupuncture is not a panacea or a magic cure in the treatment of any addiction, including smoking. But, acupuncture is effective in making it easier to quit and remain smoke-free for good…


Current statistics state that one in five couples over the age of 30 have difficulty conceiving after one year of trying. Many of these couples are turning to acupuncture for a safe, effective and natural solution to have a healthy baby.

How Acupuncture Can Enhance Fertility

Fertility Treatment

By ensuring Qi (energy) and blood are circulating properly, once that is happening then the body is properly nourished and functioning optimally which, in turn, enhances fertility.

Researchers have confirmed its benefit in the following areas:

  • Regulate menstrual cycle
  • Improve sperm count and motility
  • Reduce stress and anxiety associated with infertility
  • Normalize hormone and endocrine systems
  • Improve blood flow in the uterus
  • Decrease chance of miscarriage
  • Increase the chance of pregnancy for women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Fertility treatments vary from person to person, but are usually scheduled for at least three consecutive cycles (twelve weeks)

Acupuncture Increases IVF Success by 65%

Women undergoing IVF were 65 percent more likely to become pregnant when they combined the procedure with acupuncture, a recent study has shown.

February, 2008 issue of the British Medical Journal


Insomnia may present itself in different ways. For some, the inability to fall asleep is the most noticeable insomnia symptom while others are unable to reach a deep level of sleep and are startled awake by every noise. Any insomnia symptom would frustrate most sleepers, but night after night for months or years, the most serious issues of insomnia accumulate – the daytime effects. These can include physical tiredness, difficulty concentrating and feeling depressed, irritable or lethargic. Oriental medicine is a great insomnia remedy . It focuses on patients’ individual insomnia symptom and builds a whole-healing plan from each symptom.

Bad Backs

One of the top causes of back pain are sprains (overstretching one or more of the ligaments in the back) and strains (a rip or tear in the muscle caused by sudden force). This can happen from an injury, poor posture, or improper lifting.

Another source of back pain comes from a herniated disc which is a disc that bulges out from its place between two vertebrae.

Sciatica is another common form of back pain. Sciatica is a term used to describe pain that extends down into the buttocks and leg which comes from an irritation of a larger nerve in the lumbar spine called the sciatic nerve. Sciatica can accompany sprains, strains, herniated discs as well as back pain emanating from other sources.

Acupuncture works to restore harmony and energetic balance to the body which stimulates natural healing and promotes health.


Migraine and Headache Sufferers – Acupuncture Can Help

The pain that headache and migraine sufferers endure can impact every aspect of their lives. Acupuncture can offer powerful relief without the side effects that prescription and over-the-counter drugs can cause. Acupuncture has been used to relieve Headaches and Migraines, as well as their underlying causes, for thousands of years.